Today for lunch there is turkey gravy, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and Big Daddy pizza.
The LHS volleyball team is organizing a Powder Puff volleyball game. The game will be held on Monday, March 18th at 7pm. If you are a junior or senior boy interested in playing, stop by the commons after school tomorrow for a meeting where you can get your release form. If you are unable to attend, you can pick up a release form from the main office.
Seniors, don’t forget to get onto your Google Classroom Class of 2024 and submit your seventh semester transcripts. Also, complete FAFSA by the priority deadline of March 1st , and confirm the name on your diploma in the main office.
Juniors, please review your Class of 2025 in Google Classroom for creating a STRIDE account for the March 15th event.
All LHS clubs need to meet after school in the commons on Tuesday, March 5, to get their group pictures taken for yearbook.