June 6, 2024

Today and Friday will be finals schedule, below.

Thursday 6/6/24
Access ** 7:55-8:40
1B – 8:45-10:15
1st Lunch – 10:15-11:00 (2nd hour teacher’s last name A-K)
2B(1) – 10:20-11:50
2B(2) – 11:05-12:35
2nd Lunch – 11:50-12:35 (2nd hour teacher’s last name L-Z)
3B – 12:40-2:15
Friday 6/7/24
Access ** 7:55-8:40
4A – 8:45-10:15
4B – 10:20-11:50
Early Release – 11:50-12:30 
Makeup Exams – 12:30-2:15

SRO Whitlock and her co-workers at the Lewiston Police Department are hosting their annual barbeque today, to celebrate the end of the academic year.  Join them at lunch and enjoy a hot dog and mingle with your friends and different community entities. The DECA store will be selling 1 dollar drinks. See you there!

All PE lockers must be cleaned out by the end of your final day in class. All sports lockers must be cleaned out by Thursday after school. Items left behind in lockers will be donated to charity.

The LHS trap team has made it to state, 6 out of 10 members made it including: Eli Main, John Mettling Perry, Bradley, Rylan Steven, and Rylan Irwin. Two of their members made it to Nationals, Rylan Irwin and Avery Stevens. Congratulations!

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