Google Takeout

Senior Google accounts will be deleted approximately two weeks after graduation. There are several different ways for them to transfer the information. Method 2: Direct Transfer from One Account to Another Method 3: Download and Upload

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Scholarship NIGHT

March 23, 5-8 p.m. Seniors – We are hosting one last scholarship night on Wednesday, March 23, 5-8 p.m. in the library. We can review essays, help find scholarships and allow time to work on compiling information. Bring a Chromebook. Pizza will be provided and a raffle for two $50…

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AP Cords

AP Cord Applications for current seniors are available in the counseling center. Seniors who have taken two or more AP classes while in high school and earned a B or better may apply. This is a challenging cord to earn, and gaining one is a prestigious honor. Deadline to apply…

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If you have no idea what you are planning to do after high school or you have any interest in the military, here is an opportunity for you. The ASVAB test is being offered on Tuesday, April 5, from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the LHS Library. The results…

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University of Idaho Visit

Are you planning to attend the University of Idaho next fall? Are you interested in studying sociology, criminology, counseling, social work, public relations, law, or mental health? The University of Idaho is sponsoring a one-day visit that will allow you to have a fun classroom experience in some of these…

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