Today for lunch there will be spicy Asian chicken, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and big daddy pizza.
Students: double check with the main office, library and cafeteria for any outstanding fines. Seniors: your fines must be paid prior to receiving your diplomas.
The Bengal Fit games will be held during lunch breaks this week! The Bengal Fit Games are a mini-series of fun recreational challenges that anyone can compete in during first or second lunch break. How it works: Stop by the outside P.E. playfield during lunch to join in the activity of the day. The schedule is here.
- Tuesday, May 23rd: Table Tennis
- Wednesday, May 24th: Cornhole
- Thursday, May 25th: Fitness obstacle course
- Friday, May 26th: Class TUG OF WAR! Have your 3B teacher sign your class up for the competition.
Teacher Aide and Release forms are due by Friday. If you signed up for one or both of these classes for next year, you would have received a form earlier this week. If you received a Teacher Aide and/or Release form and choose not to return them, you will be placed into an alternate class. See your counselor with any questions.
Attention ALL NHS members, both current and new: there is a mandatory National Honor Society meeting this Thursday in the library at 2:30. It is very important you attend.
If you didn’t pick up your yearbook last week you can still do so in Mr. Steeles room, DTEC 405. There are also still a few left for purchase for $100 if you didn’t reserve one.
Reminder: students who are not scheduled for a class at LHS have to be off campus and are not allowed to be in the halls or the library.
Congratulations to Mrs. Feucht’s Economics students for their top-place finishes in the Stock Market Game for Idaho. Students participated in the Stock Market Game this semester for 10 weeks. 427 teams from across the state participated. Finishing fourth: Alex Heath & Trae Bennett making $8,225, third: Elias Beasley, Kenai Smith, Jake Ralston making $8,727. And coming in second place in the state of Idaho, and receiving an award package from the Stock Market game…. Dustin Agee making $9,330.
Congratulations to the senior class officers for the class of 2024. Your senior class officers will be President Kaylynn Osburn, Vice President Drew Hottinger, Treasurer Cathryn Ho, and Secretary RJ Wagner.
Congratulations to all of our LHS class of 2023 athletes that participated in yesterday’s signing day.