Today for lunch there will be French toast sticks, mini corn dogs, and pepperoni rippers.
There is a district-wide clothing drive to help those who may be in need. If you would like to donate, there is a collection box in the main office.
Seniors attending LCSC and pursuing a teaching degree, and who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher – you could be eligible for a full-ride scholarship! Please see Mrs. Wilmore in the Career Center to learn more. Application deadline is March 24th.
Juniors – Higher Ed day will be March 24th 8-9:45am. We will have seven colleges and the military branches in attendance.
Which teacher has the Heart of a Bengal? Students and faculty, it’s time to nominate a teacher for the month of April that ROARS – those that exhibit characteristics of being Respectful, Optimistic, Authentic, Reliable & Supportive. Follow this link to make your nomination. Don’t forget to write WHY you have chosen this teacher. Nominations will be collected until March 23rd.
The Auto Club will be meeting 8-12 on Saturday.
Juniors taking the SAT, please stop by the Counseling Center or Mrs. Hobson’s office to pick up your student study guide. Remember the SAT is quickly approaching and will be held here at LHS at 8am on Wednesday, April 12.
The after school Bengal Fit weight room program will be closed next Wednesday, March 22nd.
Seniors, save your time, gas, and money by purchasing a senior project board from G-L in room ST 200 for just $5 cash.