April 17, 2024

Today for lunch there is chicken parmesan, mini corn dogs, pepperoni ripper, and a hamburger bar.

For anyone interested in trying out for the 2024-25 LHS Cheer Team, there will be an informational meeting Thursday April 18th at 6pm in the LHS Cafeteria. Open Gym will be held on April 25th 4:30pm to 6pm in the upper gyms at LHS. Tryouts will be held in the main gym on May 6th 5-7pm, May 7th 5-7pm, May 8th 5-7pm, and May 9th 4pm tryout with judges.

During Bengal Block tomorrow, all seniors will report to the auditorium. Juniors, sophomores and freshmen need to check 5-Star Students to see which classrooms they are assigned to.

Attention all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors – next week is the World Series of testing. Please pay attention to the following announcements.

Bengals, the spring testing season is upon us and we want to take some time to recognize some of our fellow Bengals who absolutely crushed it on the SICA this year. The following students improved their scores by two whole levels on the SICA Test this year: Tate Barker, Cyrus Campbell, Graci Hepburn, Zoe Grassel, Avery Martin, Katherine McDougall, Tavish Sullivan, and Gwendolyn Taylor improved by 2 levels in English.

Ruby Gese, Jess Hendren, Aiden Martin, Evan Milnes, Susan Trees, and Sky Van Trease in math. We want to see more people achieve this level of growth so make sure you are doing your absolute best on your tests next week.

Bengals, we want to work hard this year to boost our standing in the state. Our school scores are ranked against, Moscow, Coeur d’Alene, Lake City, Sandpoint, Lakeland and Post Falls. Its important to do these tests to the best of your ability so Lewiston High School is noticed as the best high school in northern Idaho. Also, doing the best on your tests will be especially important for juniors this year.

Juniors, your ISAT scores can affect your placement in college classes meaning you could test out of certain courses if you perform well on testing. Overall we are encouraging you all to do your very best on the testing because it will benefit you and will benefit our school tremendously.

Due to the amount of tests being taken this week, our schedule has changed and will affect both our WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY schedules.

Wednesday April 24 and Thursday April 25 class schedule:

Block 19:40-10:40
Block 210:45-11:45
1st Lunch11:45-12:15
Block 3 (1)11:50-12:50
2nd Lunch12:50-1:20
Block 3 (2)12:20-1:20
Block 41:25-2:25

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