Important Updates for Senior Projects

Due to the school closure, there have been important changes made to the Senior Project calendar.  With all of the restrictions being put in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we understand that it may limit some students’ ability to complete the required hours needed.  If you cannot complete your hours, that does not mean you no longer have to complete your senior project.

The final presentation scheduled to take place on April 22nd has been canceled.  The presentation date will now be on the SAT testing date, April 28th.  Because of the changes made to the schedule, you will not have an opportunity to give a practice presentation before your final presentation.  You will be on your own to set up practice times with your teachers.

There are no changes being made to the requirements to receive a passing grade for your project.  You still need to complete the four requirements:

 -Research Paper

 -Field Experience

If you cannot complete your hours due to COVID-19 restrictions you will need a documented explanation (Community Mentor Verification Form)

 – Portfolio with all required documents

Your community mentor information form and your community mentor verification form need to be completed.  If you are unable to complete your hours, you still need to have your mentor fill out and sign your verification form.  There should be some sort of explanation on this form detailing why you were unable to complete your hour

If your field experience required you to complete a certification program those need to be completed in included in your portfolio


All students are still required to give an 8-10 minute presentation.  If you have not completed your hours, you need to address that in your presentation.  You should be able to explain what your hours were going to be and who your mentor was and how they were going to help you complete your hours

All senior project information and forms are posted on the LHS website.  If the school closure continues past Spring Break, we may need to change the presentation date.  Any changes that are made will be posted on the LHS website and google classroom.  So please continue to check your account.

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