23-24 Kindergarten Enrollment

Click HERE to begin the enrollment process.


  1. A child must be five years old on or before September 1, 2023 to enroll for Kindergarten.
  2. The following documents are required for enrollment:
    • The child’s original birth certificate from the child’s birth state or the eligibility to obtain one within thirty (30) days. Copies of birth certificates are not accepted.
    • Proof of Residency.  Documentation showing the name of parent(s)/guardian(s) and physical home address. Examples: Utility Bill, Rental/Lease/Home Agreement, Cable Bill, City of Lewiston Property Tax Assessment Notice, Homeowners/Renters Insurance.
    • An up-to-date copy of the child’s immunization record reflecting the following:
  • 5 DTaP
  • 4 Polio
  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 2 MMR
  • 2 Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • 2 Hepatitis A


The District strives to place students at the school in their home attendance area. If the home attendance area is full in that grade, the student will then be placed at a different school with lower enrollment numbers and be placed on a waitlist to their attending school. Parents will receive a letter notifying them on the school placement of their Kindergartener.

SPECIAL NOTICE – Parents who will be enrolling a Kindergarten student who have an older sibling(s) attending elementary school in Lewiston are encouraged to enroll for Kindergarten during registration in March.  Failure to do so could result in our inability to enroll your Kindergarten child in the same elementary school as your other children. 

Please call Delilah Glenn in Student Services (208-748-3032) if you have any questions.

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