The Lewiston School District is committed to providing successful learning experiences for all children. Independent School District #1’s Indian Education Program provides opportunities to native students who have tribal affiliation for cultural and career awareness sessions, field trips and tutoring services.
Please complete an Indian Student Eligibility Certification ED 506 Form if your student has tribal affiliation. Please note that this is not a requirement, but should your student need additional supports, an ED 506 form is required.
The form can be returned to your students school or the District Office located at 3317 12th St. Please note, the ED 506 form will be kept on file and does not need to be completed annually. Should you have any questions, please contact our Indian Education Program Coordinator, Crescentia Hills.
Phone: 208-748-3774
Indian Ed Officers:
Chairperson – Marcie Carter
Vice-Chairperson – Trina Webb
Secretary – Ayisha Wheeler
Treasurer – Riki Vallem