Central Office Administrators

Lance R. HansenSuperintendent of Schools

Executive Secretary: Heather Knight / 208.748.3043

Oversight: Under direction of the Board of Directors, oversees all functions of the District as well as administrative and certificated personnel.  Directs legal, policy and financial matters as well as public relations. Manager of the District including the following student services: transportation, maintenance, custodial and food services; and directs the District’s network administration and staff.  Provides management of human resources including recruitment, hiring, supervision and evaluation, wage and salary scales, job descriptions, employment history files and appropriate filing of personnel reports with the state.  Additionally, provides oversight for Educational Support Personnel/classified staff.

Elisabeth G. Fenter – Curriculum & Instruction

Administrative Secretary: Kelli Hall / 208.748.3045

Oversight: Directs K-12 curriculum and educational programs; staff development programs, assessment program; Gifted/Talented and Enrichment programs.

Peggy S. FlerchingerSpecial Services

Administrative Secretary: Suzanne Carpenter/ 208.748.3047

Oversight: Directs the evaluation and development of Individual Education Plans (IEP) for students that qualify for Special Education services, while ensuring compliance with all federal and State of Idaho laws.  Provides direct supervision of all related therapy services, including Speech & Language Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and School Psychology.  Additionally, provides oversight of 504 and Title I federal programs.

Leann L. HubbardBusiness Services

Support Staff: Becky Booth / 208.748.3036

Oversight: Manages all business transactions of the District; assures physical resources are obtained, safeguarded and used appropriately; employee benefits, and payroll.  Additionally, directs the District’s printshop and warehouse operations and staff.

Dr. Kimberly K. Eimers – Student Services / A. Neil DeAtley Region II Career Technical School Administrator

Administrative Secretary: Delilah Glenn / 208.748.3032

Oversight: Directs the planning, development, organization, management and implementation of all aspects of student services and outreach programs of the District while assuring compliance with federal and State of Idaho law, administrative rules and Board policy related to student services. Provides oversight of alternative education, child welfare and attendance, student discipline procedures and school safety.  Mediates parental complaints and manages the enrollment process for new-to-the District students K-5, In-District and Out-of-District open enrollment for students K-12. Additionally, directs the districts counseling staff, oversees federal programs to included ELL (English Language Learners), Indian Education and McKinney-Vento.

The Central Services office is located at:
3317 12th Street
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Reception:  208.748.3000
Fax:  208.748.3059

Office Hours:  7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
(holiday and summer hours:  7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.)

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