November 1, 2023

Today for lunch there will be chicken parmesan, mini corn dogs, pepperoni ripper, and a hamburger bar. It’s time to announce November’s Heart of a Bengal! This person has shown the characteristics of a teacher that ROARS. This teacher will receive a bookmark and certificate, and will get to park…

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October 31, 2023

The LHS drama club will be performing A Christmas Carol from Wednesday through Saturday at 7pm in the auditorium.  There will be a short organizational meeting for the French Club Wednesday the 1st at 2:30pm in room CW110.  All are welcome. Celebrate Native American Heritage Month by coming to the…

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October 30, 2023

Today for lunch, there will be toasted cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and Big Daddy pizza. The following colleges will be visiting LHS: Gonzaga University on November 2nd, and Washington State University on November 9th. Please sign up in the counseling center if you are interested.  There will be…

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October 27, 2023

Today for lunch there will be orange chicken, chicken patty sandwiches, and pepperoni ripper. The following colleges will be visiting LHS: Gonzaga University on November 2nd, and Washington State University on November 9th. Please sign up in the counseling center if you are interested.  Reminder to students: you need to…

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October 26, 2023

Today for lunch there will be homemade chili, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks and  Big Daddy pizza. The following colleges will be visiting LHS: Gonzaga University on November 2nd, and Washington State University on November 9th. Please sign up in the counseling center if you are interested.  Please join us tonight…

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October 25, 2023

Today for lunch there will be biscuits and gravy, mini corn dogs, pepperoni ripper and a hamburger bar. Model United Nations will meet today after school in Ms. Kirk’s room, ST210 to prepare for the Boise and Oregon MUN Assemblies. Please stop by if you are interested. The following colleges…

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October 24, 2023

Today for lunch there will be beef enchiladas, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks and Big Daddy pizza.  The Gaming Club will be meeting today from 2:30-4:00pm in DTEC407. All students are welcome to attend. Please join us on Thursday October 26th from 6-8pm in the LHS Commons to meet face to…

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October 23, 2023

Today for lunch there will be chicken fried steak, chicken patty sandwich and pepperoni ripper. Attention Wrestlers!  Weight certifications are now open. See Mr. Cadez-Schmidt after classes today to get weight certified. You will need to first pass a hydration test before moving into the weight assessment. Please join us…

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October 20, 2023

Today for lunch there will be french toast sticks, chicken patty sandwich, and pepperoni ripper. Please join us next Thursday, October 26th from 6-8pm in the LHS Commons to meet face to face with college and military representatives, community resources and scholarship vendors to learn about the different programs these…

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October 19, 2023

Today for lunch there will be spicy Asian chicken, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks and Big Daddy pizza. The LHS Drama Club will be having a meeting for anyone interested in helping with tech in their upcoming show, A Christmas Carol. The meeting will be held after school in LC100. There will…

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