Public Employees Retirement System of Idaho

You become a PERSI  member when you go to work in an eligible position with a PERSI employer.  When you earn 60 month of service credit you will be vested to receive a lifetime benefit at retirement. The 60-month vesting period does not need to be with the same PERSI employer.   The retirement plan is a defined benefit retirement plan and the retirement benefit is determined by a formula which considers:

  • Age at the time of retirement
  • Number of months credited state service, and
  • The highest average monthly salary paid over a period of 42 consecutive months service.

Current contributions required are:

General Members
Employee   7.18%
Employer 11.96%

School Members – Faculty & Bus Drivers
Employee   8.08%
Employer 13.48%

The PERSI Coeur d’Alene office phone is 1-800.962.8228.

PERSI Website:

Please see the PERSI Website for more useful information.

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