All students at Sacajawea Jr. High have unlimited access to the services that the counseling center provides, which includes two full-time certified school counselors, as well as a part-time school social worker. In addition, effective school counseling is a collaborative process that involves not only school counselors, but also students, parents, teachers, administrators and community leaders to assist students in reaching their fullest potential.
Meet the Counseling Center Staff
Counseling Mission:
Our school counselors will provide a comprehensive school counseling framework that embraces and enhances the development of all students, in the areas of academic achievement and growth, as well as career, emotional, and social development.
Counseling Vision:
The counseling center at Sacajawea Jr. High is a comprehensive counseling program that is based on developmental theories and standards that support and enrich the educational process for all students. We work diligently to provide a learning environment in which students feel safe and where they have support to succeed at reaching their academic and personal goals. Students at SJH are equally entitled and encouraged to seek extra support when necessary, in order to thrive in the academic environment.
“Stand Up, Stand Strong: The Consequences of Words”
[youtube]The Different Hats We Wear:
We are available throughout the day for emergent needs of our students, but we also lead a variety of activities throughout the year. These activities include, but aren’t limited to:
- 7th grade Community Service Project & Team Building Activity
- 8th grade Healthy Choices Day
- 6th grade orientation and 7th grade tours of counseling center
- Positive School Culture Curriculum – All grade levels
- Individual and Group counseling
- Social Skills Group
- Grief Group
- Scheduling of classes
- Career Counseling
- School District Crisis team
- And much more!
Indirect Student Services:
We attend team meetings, consult with outside agencies, stay on top of student achievement, and make referrals as needed. We coordinate 504 Accommodation Plan meetings and attend IEP meetings, coordinate various tests including the PSAT and NAEP, and facilitate 7th grade transition meetings.
Emergency Numbers:
Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-564-2120
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Idaho Care Line: 1-800-926-2588 or Dial 211