Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Elementary schools (grades K-6) developed a vision for grading which is consistent with our remote learning goal of maintaining, supporting and reinforcing the learning addressed prior to Quarter 4 remote learning. 

In addition, the Lewiston School District has implemented a hold harmless approach for grading in Quarter 4.  This means that circumstances outside of a student’s control will have no negative effect on their Quarter 4 grade for the 2019-2020 school year. 

Teachers are offering learning opportunities to students on a weekly basis through Choice Boards. We strongly encourage students to continue to engage in their learning, in order to be prepared for the next grade level in the fall. Choice Boards will continue to be offered with activities intended to strengthen skills addressed before the closure. These offer the opportunity for students to maintain, receive support, or reinforce their earlier learning. In addition, teachers are providing ongoing feedback to students, based on the Choice Board work that is shared. 

A final report card will be sent at the end of the school year reflecting Quarter 4. Teachers will provide comments/feedback to guide students in preparation for the fall.    


Karla Carper


Camelot Elementary

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