The IT Department offers up a few WiFi SSID’s (Networks) available to staff, students, and guests on all campuses:
- ISD1-Open: A content-filtered open network throttled to 256kbps, available to any staff or student personal device. Requires the installation of the Smoothwall root CA certificate (see below)
- ISD1-XEN: An unfiltered guest-only network at our secondaries (ENA Aerohive Air Network from the SDE), available to sponsored guests of the District (see below for details.)
- ISD1-Guest: An unfiltered guest-only network at our elementaries (Cisco Prime Infrastructure), available to sponsored guests of the District (see below for details.)
ISD1-Open Details:
This network contains the standard filtering tiers. Our web filter, Smoothwall, requires the end user to have a certificate on their machine. Please remember that any personal device which connects to the ISD1-Open network requires the manual installation of the Smoothwall root CA Certificate in the device’s web browser, or the user will receive untrusted SSL warnings and broken web pages.
Smoothwall Web filter certificate and installation instructions:
Please Note: The Lewiston School District does not support any personal device trying to attach to our network(s). If the information provided on this page does not work for you, please contact your device vendor for assistance. IT is unable to assist you with any personal device, sorry.
An SSL certificate is how encrypted sites verify their validity VIA your browser. In order for SSL (https:// -based sites) to work with our system, the end user must have the smoothwall certificate installed as a root certificate authority to their system. How they do that varies greatly, but the searches above should provide some of the results your guest might be looking for.
ISD1-Guest/XEN Details:
The ISD1-Guest and the ISD1-XEN wireless networks perform the same function: Allow our adult guests unfettered/unfiltered access to the internet with their personal/company device. If you have a guest attending your campus and require internet access for their devices, please notify the IT department VIA email at least 24 hours in advance. All requests for guest access must include the following:
- Sponsoring Staff Member
- Campus
- Date(s) needed
- Time frame(s) needed
Please Note: The guest networks are completely unfiltered and for guest use only, employees remain bound by District policy and should never leverage the guest networks. Please refrain from using any guest credential provided as a host.