From the Principal
McGhee Families:
It is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year! Thank you for all your support. It is amazing to see how much your students have all grown and we can’t wait to see all they accomplish this second semester.
A big thank you goes out to our PTA for the amazing McGhee shirts that went home with all our students right before break. Please plan on a weekly McGhee shirt day and have your student wear their new McGhee shirt each Wednesday. It is great to see so many of our students wearing their shirts on the same day!
If you don’t have dinner plans tonight, PTA has organized a Panda Express Fundraiser. 20% of all of tonight’s sales will be donated to McGhee’s PTA in an effort to raise funds for a new swing set at Castle Park. You just need to let them know you are part of the McGhee fundraiser when paying.
Please also remember that we have no school tomorrow, Friday, January 17 as teachers will be preparing report cards and participating in their own learning. There is no school Monday, January 20th in recognition of Idaho Human Rights Day. School will resume on Tuesday, January 21.
The Lewiston School District is currently accepting nominations for Teacher of the Year. Please consider taking a few moments and nominating one of our amazing teachers at McGhee. You can pick up a nomination form in the front office or simply click on the following link to submit an nomination online through the school district’s website at the following link.
For those of you with incoming kindergarteners next year, please mark your calendar for Kindergarten Kick Off on February 25th at the P1FCU performing Arts Center at LHS at 6 p.m.
Thank you all for a great 1st Semester.
Mary Wells
February News