THS Bulletin – January 2025

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Below you will find important information about what is taking place in January and going forward.

Tammany Bulletin

JANUARY 6, 2025

Tammany High School will develop and inspire life-long learners and empowered graduates!

QT 2 CREDIT APPEALS Credit appeals due to excessive absences for QT2 will begin 1/8 and 1/9. There are a lot of students that will be appealing. Remember to bring you documentation for absences and your appeal letter to the meeting.

END OF QUARTER NEWS The last day of quarter 2 is Thursday, January 16. It is a full day of school. We have 8 students graduating (short assembly at the end of the day). QT 3 will begin Tuesday, January 21. **Monday, January 20, there is no school in observance of MLK day. 

THANK YOU TO MVP A big thank you to the MVP group for the fun assembly. Your time and work was much appreciated. 

QT 3 INTAKE MEETING The intake meeting for potential new students for QT3 will be January 15 at 3:00. 

FOUND Silver spoon ring, headphones, and a black heavy hoodie turned into lost and found. Stop by the office to identify. 

DONUTS FOR SCHOLARS 40 donuts the last week! That is NOT a great number. Let’s start the New Year off strong. 

ENROLLMENT NUMBERS 10th–15 11th–36 12–42 Total=93 

THINGS TO PONDER… 5 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions-Save more money (21%), Eat healthier (19%), Exercise more (17%), Lose weight (15%), and Spend more time with family/friends (14%) 

TAMMANY TIGER QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Embrace the new year with a heart full of hope and a mind full of ambition.” 

JANUARY BDAYS Zayleine Morley (2) Nicholas Streeter (2) Kaylee Collins (5) Mr. McLean (13) Brayden Reed (16) Brenden Lessor (19) Becca Hester (21) Payton Schnider (25) Heath Jensen (27) Alora Alexander (29) 

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