Tammany – Bulletin – September 2024

Tammany Bulletin

September 9, 2024

Tammany High School will develop and inspire life-long learners and empowered graduates!

FOUND A pair of prescription glasses were found outside the building. A ring was also found in the hallway. Stop by the office to identify. 

OPEN HOUSE:  THS Open House is Tuesday, 9/10 from 6:00-7:00.

LHS HOMECOMING: LHS Homecoming is set for October 19. More information as I receive it.

PICTURE RETAKES: Picture retakes are September 24. 

FCCLA: Meetings are every Wednesday during lunch in Mrs. Herndon’s room (room 2). If you are interested in joining, please talk to Mrs. Herndon. This student organization is a great opportunity for you to develop leadership characteristics, learn career & job skills, and join a community of amazing people. 

ENRICHMENT: Enrichment begins this week. Enrichment is every Thursday for 30 minutes (alternating a.m. and p.m. each week). Enrichment is similar to an advisory class with a different teacher each week. This week’s enrichment is PM. 

DISTRICT MEAL SERVICE: The cost of school meals have increased this year. Breakfast is $1.75 and lunch is $3.10. I have applications in the office or parents can fill out the forms online (lewistonschools.net). Students need to remember to order breakfast and lunch in the gym with Vicki before 8:30. If you are running late in the morning, call the office to order. 

IMMUNIZATIONS: Seniors that need to get your 2nd Meningococcal vaccination-remember the deadline is 9/21. This is a STATE REQUIREMENT.

NEW POWERSCHOOL URLS: The new PowerSchool URL for parents and students is https://powerschool.lewistonschools.net/ . If you need help logging on, please stop by or call the office. 

DONUTS FOR SCHOLARS: 86 donuts the first week! 66 donuts the 2nd week! We are off to a fantastic start. Let’s beat the 66 this coming week. We are rooting for you all & know you can do it!!! 

FOOD PANTRY: We have a food pantry filled with staples and freezer food for families in need. There is no paperwork required, no names/addresses to give. See Mrs. Slyter (THS counselor) any time during school hours to grab some food to take home. Students: snacks will only be given out between classes. 

CLASS OF 2025 PARENTS: Parents of the Class of 2025 Graduates: Your input is wanted to help with the planning of the of 2025 Safe & Sober Graduation party. If you are interested in helping on the committee, email 20lhssafeandsober@gmail.com or go to Lewiston Safe-Sober Graduation on Facebook. 

MATH TUTORING: Starting after Labor Day, Mrs. Miller will have math tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-3:30. 

ENROLLMENT NUMBERS: 10th–16 11th–40 12–46 Total=102 

THINGS TO PONDER…: When someone tells you to “break a leg” in an audition it is because they hope you end up in the cast. 

TAMMANY TIGER QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “It’s the will, not the skill.” 

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