October already? We’ve got some dates in October to add to your calendar. Parent Teacher Conferences start October 2nd. Students will be released at 1:40 that day. There will be no school for students on the 3rd or 4th. PTA will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, the 15th at 6 pm in room 9. All are more than welcome to stop by. Meet the incredible people who help make Orchards the amazing place it is. October 16th is Unity Day it is also an early release for staff improvement. Students will be let out at 1:40. Friday, October 18th, students will be screened for vision and hearing. The week of the 21st through the 25 is Red Ribbon Week. October is certainly a busy month!
The PTA has an exciting fundraiser this month. Trivia Night! That’s right. Orchards PTA will host an adults only trivia night at KC’s Burgers and Brews. Check out their calendar here.
The Lewiston City Library has teamed up with schools to promote a monthly Genre Quest! We all want to inspire Lewiston students to be strong readers. You can learn the details about this months quest here. Get reading Panthers!
Check out the Counselor’s Corner October newsletter here, to learn about what your student will be learning from our amazing counselor, Mrs. Haag. Orchards staff believe the “whole” student is important to nurture. Mrs. Haag is certainly an advocate for helping our students to grow empathy and emotional health.
Want to know what to do with all those cucumbers you grew? The Harvest of the Month has you covered! They share a healthy recipe and other food healthy ideas here.

PTA October/November Calendar

At the Library

Counselor’s Corner

October Harvest of the Month