Today’s lunch menu is beef enchiladas, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and Big Daddy pizza.
Calling all artists – if you’re interested in helping the National Honor Society with their service project this year, please see Ms. Baker in ST205 to pick up criteria for the school’s oncoming murals. Submit a design for the chance to win a $100 gift card of your choice. Submissions are due on the 21st so please pick up the criteria now.
For anyone interested in playing tennis this spring, there will be an informational meeting right after school on Wednesday, January 22nd in BR 203.
This Friday, both the girls and boys basketball teams will be playing Sandpoint in the LHS Gym. The theme will be “Jersey Night.” Girls will start at 5:30 and the boys will start at 7:00.
All seniors, please turn in your Safe and Sober tickets as soon as possible.