Today’s lunch menu is toasted cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and Big Daddy pizza.
Boys basketball tryouts are next Friday, November 15th from 3:00 to 4:00 after school. There will be a parent meeting on Monday, November 11th at 5:30 pm in the LHS cafeteria.
Auditions for the LHS Drama Club’s annual Christmas Tour will be held Friday, November 15th, right after school in the auditorium. This year’s play, A Misgift Christmas, will be written and directed by senior, Lauren Gibbs. For questions about auditions please contact Lauren, Mrs. Syverson, or another Drama Club officer.
Seniors, your senior picture needs to be uploaded to Walsworth Yearbooks by this Friday, November 15. Click here for instructions.
If anyone is interested in an ROTC program at LHS, please see Mr. Driskill.
Are you interested in being part of the competitive marching band but do not play an instrument? The colorguard/winterguard is a group of students that work in collaboration with the marching band in the fall and as its own competitive unit in the winter. As a member you will memorize a choreographed set of dances and a series of tosses with flags and more. We are holding a camp this Friday November 15th in the band room LC102 from 2:30pm-4:30pm and try outs next Friday November 22nd from 2:30pm-4:30pm. To be a member you must participate in both Fridays.
Mr. LHS is November 21st at 7pm in the P1FCU Performing Arts Center at 7pm. Cheerleaders will be selling presale tickets for $8 and tickets will be sold at the door for $10.
Seniors, your senior picture needs to be uploaded to Walsworth Yearbooks by this Friday, November 15. Click here for instructions.