Today’s lunch menu is spaghetti, mini corn dogs, pepperoni ripper, and a hamburger bar.
The Bengal Mathletes will be meeting starting this Thursday and every Thursday from 2:30-3:15 in Mrs. Carlson’s room. Please come to have some snacks, challenge your math skills, and prepare for the spring University of Idaho Math Competition.
Wrestlers, open mats will now run from 3:30-4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please also make sure to get cleared so that you are ready for the first day of practice on November 18th. If you are not cleared you will not be allowed into practice on the 18th.
If you’re interested in winning an LHS themed basket, be sure to attend SOVA’s “Tough Talk” tonight in the P1FCU Auditorium from 6:00-8:00pm. This is a separate event from the assembly held yesterday at school. If you enjoyed the assembly, be sure to attend the event tonight.
Drama’s fall play Much Ado About Nothing is being held next week on the 6th through the 9th in the P1FCU Performing Arts Center. Make sure you show up and show your support for our Drama Club.
Halloween Bengal Block Yoga -work on your flexibility, mindfulness and relaxation techniques with a playful Halloween yoga practice with Mrs. LaRondelle. Remember to wear socks.
This Thursday there will be a Bengal Block from 9:17 – 9:47. Students, if you have not already, make sure to log onto Five Star to sign up for Bengal Block. Teachers, if you can, check to see that your students are signed up for Bengal Block before they leave second hour today