Today’s lunch menu is chicken patties, chicken patty sandwiches, and pepperoni ripper.
Today the JV girls soccer team will be at Walker Field at 4:30. The LHS boys and girls golf team will be competing on the Idaho Club course at 11am. On Tuesday the girls JV2 volleyball team will play at 4 pm, the JV team will play at 5:30, and the Varsity team will play at 7 pm against Clarkston. The theme for this game will be Safari Night. The boys JV and Varsity soccer team will play at 4:30 on Walker Field. SHow up to all your Bengal athletics and show your support.
The National Honor Society will meet today after school, in Mrs. Bakker’s room, ST 205, at 2:30. If you were inducted to the NHS last spring, please attend. If you cannot attend, please see Mrs. Bakker before Monday.
Hey high school hockey players! Get ready to lace up and hit the ice with the local coed high school hockey team! Join us for our first meeting, tomorrow, September 24th at 6pm at the LC Ice Arena in North Lewiston. Contact Shawn Wentworth to learn more about the upcoming season and how you can get involved! Follow Lewis Clark Amateur Hockey Association Facebook for more updates.