Today for lunch there will be beef enchiladas, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and Big Daddy pizza.
The following colleges will be visiting LHS: Boise State University on October 16th, and Gonzaga University on November 2nd. Also make sure to mark your calendars for the college fair October 26th at 6-8pm in the commons. More information coming soon.
Due to parent teacher conferences and fall break, we will not have school tomorrow through Friday.
Mr. LHS is set for November 16th at 7pm. Any Senior guys interested in participating can sign up with any of the senior cheerleaders. First practice will be this Sunday October 8th at 4pm at Camelot Elementary. Anyone interested in participating or that has questions can email Coach Heidi at
Our first ASVAB is scheduled for Thursday, October 12th starting at 8:00 in the library computer lab. The sign-up sheet can be found on the bulletin board in the Counseling Office. Students grades 10-12 who are considering entering the military should take this, as well as students who are still unsure of a career path. The ASVAB is a fantastic tool for career exploration matching interests and skills. If you have any questions, please talk to your counselor.