Today for lunch there will be chicken fried steak, chicken patty sandwiches and pepperoni ripper.
The following colleges will be visiting LHS: Boise State University on October 16th, and Gonzaga University on November 2nd. Also make sure to mark your calendars for the college fair October 26th at 6-8pm in the commons. More information coming soon.
Due to parent teacher conferences and fall break, we will not have school this Wednesday through Friday.
It’s time to announce October’s Heart of a Bengal! This person has shown the characteristics of a teacher that ROARS. A teacher that is reliable, is optimistic, is authentic, is respectful, and is supportive. This teacher will receive a bookmark and certificate, and they will get to park in the Teacher of the Month parking space! A special thanks to Smokey Diamond Massage & Bodywork for sponsoring this month’s Heart of a Bengal. Here are some quotes from the nominations: “They always put their students’ needs first and treats all of them equally.” “They make learning an experience that everyone will remember. They make sure that all of their students learn something that will not just help them on the upcoming tests, but also in later classes and life.”
The October Heart of the Bengal Award goes to Cali Ahlers! Congratulations Ms. Ahlers!
Mr. LHS is set for November 16th at 7pm. Any Senior guys interested in participating can sign up with any of the senior cheerleaders. First practice will be this Sunday October 8th at 4pm at Camelot Elementary. Anyone interested in participating or that has questions can email Coach Heidi at
Congratulations to the following Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) officers: President Alli Herzog, Vice President Emily Kingsbury, Secretary Hayden Kingsbury, Treasurer Presley Klein, Historians Piper Galles and Joey Belieu, Parliamentarian Ava Storm, and Reporter Alli Herzog.