Today for lunch there will be orange chicken, pepperoni ripper, and mini corn dogs.
If you have applied to a college, university, or trade school for fall 2023, please contact the school you applied to, and ask if they need a 7th semester transcript. If so, please see Mrs. Kerns in the Counseling Center and sign up in the yellow book.
Did you take Ceramics last semester with Ms. Larson? Today is your LAST day to come and pick up any projects you may have left behind. Stop by CW 102 any time to grab your beautiful creations. Any projects still unclaimed after this week will be thrown out or put up for adoption.
The GSA will be hosting its 3rd Annual Mario Kart tournament on the 15th of February at 3:00. The winner will take home a cash prize, a basket of goodies, and the satisfaction of knowing they reign supreme in the art of the Kart! entry for the Mario Kart tournament is $2 and students can sign up and get more information in Mr. Farnes room, CW100.
The Nez Perce Youth Advisory Board will be meeting Thursday, February 23 at 10:55 am and 12:25 pm in the LHS Admin conference room to discuss elections for officers and plans for the 2022/23 school year. Lunch will be provided. Students, please let Mr. Driskill know if you wish to attend.
Today is the last day to order singing valentines, so stop by the choir room, LC 101, any time today
to place your order.
Congratulations to all DECA students who competed at State this week! LHS’s very own Solana Inzunza was elected VP of Marketing for Idaho DECA. We also had 3 students score the highest in all of Idaho for their individual tests: good job Ryland Schnell, Hanna Huffman, and Annika Huff.
FCCLA will meet meet after school on February 14th.