Today for lunch there will be spicy Asian chicken, chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and big daddy pizza.
If you are interested in trying out for Drama’s winter showcase, auditions will be after school on November 7th and 8th in the LHS auditorium.
Want to come and check out different colleges from Arizona, Oregon, Washington and Idaho or different scholarship resources in the valley? You won’t want to miss our college fair – Nov. 3rd from 6-8pm. Students who attend get put into a drawing to win some big prizes. Snacks and drinks will be provided. All grades welcome. Located in the gym entrance.
Congrats to the Environmental Conservation Club officers: President Maia Cuddy, VP Lauren Martin, Secretary Seyi Arogundade, Treasurer Catherine Ho. Meetings are Tuesdays in LS108 Delp’s Room.
Have you ever heard of Winterguard? Winterguard is a sport involving dance, spinning flags and weapons, all with music. They are a fun and competitive team that performs down in Boise in the spring. Their optional clinics are November 1, 15, and 22 if you want to know more about the sport! They will also be having a bake sale in the commons during 1st and 2nd lunch this upcoming Monday. If interested, please talk to Mr. Burns in LC 102.
Students in grades 8-12 are invited to register for ‘Doc for a Day’, a hands-on learning opportunity hosted by medical students in the WWAMI Medical Education Program . This FREE event will take place on Saturday, December 3rd from 11 am – 3 pm at the D.A. Huckabay Medical Education Building on the University of Idaho campus in Moscow. Registration is open now and closes on November 21st, but space is limited and will be filled on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis.
If you missed it yesterday, Hobson got pied on our livestream. You can re-watch it whenever you want on the LHS Bengals YouTube channel under 10/25’s Bengal update. While you are there be sure to subscribe because there are more exciting incentives coming, including the admin tortilla challenge followed by extreme spicy wings.
Friday night’s playoff game at Bengal Field will be Halloween themed, so wear your costumes. A message for students attending: no passes will be allowed for entry into Friday’s football game v. Middleton at 7 p.m. at Bengal Field. Tickets are $5.00 for students and $6.00 for adults. first 50 students wearing purple and gold will get into the game for FREE! Students enter on the northwest side gate.
The district swim meet is on Saturday.
The Crochet Club is meets in ST208 after school.